Samsung Galaxy SIII & IV
Samsung Galaxy S4 vs The iPhone 5S
The iPhone 5, 5s vs Samsung Galaxy S 4:
The Samsung galaxy s4 most likely would be a huge step for Samsung internally but as as for the exterior of the phone is less attractive in our opinion than its predecessor the Galaxy S III which was much more elegant that it GS4. There are many new software and internal hardware features that completely beatout the iPhone in many ways. Now the iPhone's screen size is now 1inch smaller than Samsungs flagship smartphone device. Still yet the huge difference between the two is that iPhone has a elegance to it which the GS4 simply doesn't have apple has actually created a web page showing that apple still may have a chance to regain the upper hand with there next iphone presumably "iPhone 5s" though apple did throw most off with its I pad it release early 2012 "the new iPad ". But back to the subject now, apple may still will have the chance to gain the upper hand by a long haul with the pressumed "iPhone 5s". Sorces have gained leaked photos showing that there may be a fingerprint scanner and possibly better LTE and most likely much more. Though if Apple really wants to gain the upper hand we belive that they need a completely new and redesigned look to IOS like moving wallpaper and expandable applications. And what would be nice is is it came in more than one size but it is not likely this year because it may upset iphone 5 users. Apple & iPhone always will have that special name that makes everyone want the letest gadget but but bettween samsung and apple samsung has really dropped the ball with the GS4 but we still have to see what the will do with the Galaxy note and Samsungs other Unknown phone they announced was coming this year is and hopefully be enough to compete with apple's elligant yet stunning iPhone.
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